Specials Menu Updates

New Mocktail Alert

Irish Themed Cocktail Menu

Irish Themed Specials Menu
Join us this Saint Patrick’s Day at McHenry County’s greenest pub. Check out what we’ve been cookin’ up.

Who’s Your Farmer: Rosie’s Gluten-Free Sweets
Duke’s recently reached out to our local farmers and producers to participate in a project that will highlight their contributions to our local food system. By sharing their stories and insights, we hope to raise awareness of our local small businesses and spark conversations about the importance of sustainable practices.

Who’s Your Farmer: Natural Farm Stand

Check Out Our Latest Specials

Who’s Your Farmer: Conscious Cup Coffee Roasters
“Mass cheap food production is terrible for our bodies, minds and the environment. I think that we need to slow down and focus on food as an opportunity to root us with nature and each other.”

Who’s Your Farmer: Adama Farm
Duke’s recently reached out to our local farmers and producers to participate in a project that will highlight their contributions to our local food system. By sharing their stories and insights, we hope to raise awareness of our local small businesses and spark conversations about the importance of sustainable practices.

Who’s Your Farmer: Banford Road Farm
Duke’s recently reached out to our local farmers and producers to participate in a project that will highlight their contributions to our local food system. By sharing their stories and insights, we hope to raise awareness of our local small businesses and spark conversations about the importance of sustainable practices.


Curated By Matt Engel

Dining Menu Update

Curated by Alyssa
Next up we have Kristen featuring artists she’s seen live. Check it our on our blog.

Curated by Kristen Engel
Next up we have Kristen featuring artists she’s seen live. Check it our on our blog.

Recipe: Coconut Curried Squash
Make one of our favorite vegan dishes at home.

January Food Specials

Curated by Ashley Tauler
Ashley’s Duke Mix

In The News: Chicago Eater

Curated by Kyle Fuglestad
Kyle’s Duke’s Playlist